Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Long Time - No See!!!

The summer is flying by quickly, and talk of school is just around the corner. Please don't think that we have forgotten about all you guys, we have some things in the works. We are trying to nail down a date when the majority will be able to get together and do a camping trip, and we definitely will have a cook out to celebrate another year of being together. We will be posting dates and making calls as soon as possible.

In the meantime, or Fall Products sales will start in just a short while. The dates for sales this year will be August 27-September 14.
Last year we just asked that each girl sell one item and most everyone did. We actually made quite a bit considering we didn't really put forth much effort. This year we are going to get started a little earlier and try our best to sell what we can. We understand that everyone starts selling items as soon as school starts, but every little bit helps us be able to do more without having to dig in our own pockets to fund trips, etc.

We are so excited about this upcoming year, and we hope that you are too!!!

Talk to you all soon..... Melody and Julie

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