Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring Carnival

We had a great time camping, and we missed those of you that couldn't make it. Maybe next time!!! We have all been really busy these last weeks and have earned tons of patches. We are really proud of you!!

This weekend, on Saturday morning, the Juniors of our troop are holding a Spring Carnival at the Community Center at West Riverside. This is the one near the projects near the Frank G. Clement Bridge. This is to help them with service hours for the Bronze award. We are asking that Daisys and Brownies come along to help out. They are taking care of everything, we just need to help work the games and give out food and prizes to the kids from the neighborhood that come. Feel free to bring your whole families, we will be bringing ours. They have planned games, hotdogs, popcorn and prizes.

You don't have to bring anything, just show up around 7:45am, and plan to stay as long as possible. We plan on tearing down around 11am or 12pm. Thanks and have a great week........our next meeting will be on May the 12th.

Monday, April 14, 2008

If you are signed up for camping, here is a little info...

For this trip the girls will need:
Please pack as minimal as possible! NO VALUABLES OR JEWELRY OTHER THAN EARRINGS!

$5 for canoeing

2 Changes of clothes, including pjs and a jacket and pants for nighttime
Sleeping bag and pillow {they may bring something to sleep with-stuffed animal, etc.}
Toiletries {they are welcome to bring shower items, but it is not required since it is 1 night-mostly just a brush and toothbrush}
tennis shoes or other closed toe shoes and socks
Rain gear-either a raincoat or poncho {we like the .95 ones at wallyworld}
Pack only the required toys, games, ipods, cdplayers, mp3 players, etc...
Please bring booster seats if still required to ride in one.
Old magazines or newspaper. We will be making sit-apons.
Completed Health form ....we will have these at the time of only takes a minute.

If you have not yet signed up for camping and would like to go, please email me asap and I will see how many spots are available for the canoeing.
I know that we can have as many girls camp as we need, but the canoeing was reserved in advance.

See you there on Sat. 26th at 8:00am at Cornerstone!!

Julie and Melody