Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cookie Sales are starting up!

Mrs. Christie has all of the required training and the cookie forms are here! As soon as we get them in our hands I will be sending out an email for a time for everyone to swing by to get theirs. Please keep checking your email. I want to get these out as soon as possible. Remember, cookies are our way of not moneying you to death throughout the year... Plus they are just yummy!!!

Also remember that when school is out...we do not meet. I had several call me to ask. This is our kids' break, so as soon as school starts up, we will too.

Thanks to everyone who was able to go to Christmas in the Park, the Food Drive, and also those who helped pack toys for the less fortunate. Great Job!! I will have a sheet at the next meeting for you to sign which ones that you attended with us and I will be getting patches for each one of those activities.

See you soon,

Julie and Melody

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Canned Food Drive

It's time for the council wide canned food drive tomorrow night. Here is the info:
We will be meeting at Newtown Foodland
at 4 o clock pm.

Please dress warm !!!
Afterwards there was supposed to be a bonfire. The bonfire may be cancelled because of the recent rain. The lady over it said that the field that she had intended to use is flooded. At 5pm when our shift is over, we will travel to McDonalds for hot chocolate instead.....our treat!!!

See you then,

Julie & Melody

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hey Girls!!!

This week we will be doing the "girl scout ways" badge as an intro for the Brownies. The Juniors will be completing a badge on another project as well. Cadettes will be talking with Mrs. Melody about The Silver Awards and how the Cadettes will be earning their badges this year. Mrs. Kim will of course have the Daisies and work on another petal!!

Please try to be there by 6pm at Cornerstone.

Upcoming dates to remember:

Nov. 22 at 5pm we will be meeting at the First United Methodist Church for a Celebration for Juliette Gordon Low. Please wear your vests this night.

Dec. 2 will be Christmas in the Park downtown. We will be meeting there to enjoy the night together. There is always refreshments and performances.

Dec. 12 from 4-8pm we will be caroling at a local grocery store to collect canned goods as customers go in and out. Afterwards there will be a bonfire and smores to celebrate our hard work (and to warm up. LOL!!)

Hope to see you all Monday,

Mrs. Julie and Mrs. Melody

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We will have a meeting Monday night at 6pm at Cornerstone. Hope to see you all there.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Meeting OCT 6th

Come hungry and try to be there by 6pm!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The first week of Oct

Just want to say congrats to Allison Smith....she finally got the paperwork back on her Bronze Award. YAY!!

For the one's that are going camping...please meet Friday afternoon at CBC parking lot at 4pm.
We will be back by 10pm on Sat, maybe even 9pm.
Please don't bring anything valuable.
Only bring:
your sleeping bag
change of clothes (please pack pants, jacket and poncho also)
Toothbrush and toiletries
newpapers and paper towel rolls if you have them.....empty of course. We are gonna make something out of them. :)

My cell is on the orange sheet if you need us. Try sending texts, they usually go through better.

See you there!!!!______________________________________________________

Oct 6- Cooking night for the brownies and all should come hungry. Daisies will be learning GS ways and starting with mrs. Kim. Juniors will be working on a health patch, and Cadettes will be doing an intro to Cadettes and discussing awards, etc.

Oct 12- Cooking for Juniors and all should come hungry. Brownies will be doing nutrition, daisies TBA, and Cadettes TBA.

NOV 15- Sat 2pm Juliette Low BDAY party at Falcon Manor. $6.50/girl includes tea party and tour. Come and celebrate with us. Please wear uniform. More info to follow.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fall Products are here!!!!

It's that time again. Fall Products are officially back again. I went to training tonight and have all of the packets. We will again be getting 20% of Magazine sales and $1 or 20% of the nuts and candy. I am excited because fundraisers mean activities for the girls and less money out of our pockets. These products are cheap and easy to sell. I will be contacting everyone to get the packets to you.

Sept 29th will be our next get together. We will meet at Pepper Branch Park at 6pm to welcome in our new members and bridge our old ones to the next respective levels. This year we have almost 25 girls in Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes.

We are needing help too with meetings if you would like to volunteer. Of course me and Melody will be teaching/leading, and we also have mrs. Kim helping with the Daisies. We really need one more volunteer (or More) to help us out for meetings. We could always use help entering info in the computer, doing crafts, teaching songs...whatever you may be good at, just let me know. If you would like to teach...we welcome that too.

Oct 3-4 is our Service Unit camping trip. We will meet at 3:30 at Cornerstone Baptist Church to leave for Camp Tubb in Rock Island. We will be camping in tents so Daisies are invited, but parents are encouraged to come with those girls. You must be registered with Girl Scouts to do so. Please see me to fill out the appropriate paper work. Any other moms who may want to go may also do the same, but the other age limits do not require an adult. The cost is $10 if you just want to come on Sat. or $15 for the weekend. Tents and food are provided as well as crafts. I need Money and numbers by this Tues. 474-9688

Oct 6 will be our next meeting. 6pm Cornerstone. Please bring the girls hungry. We will be cooking/eating.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Next Meeting

Sept. 15th.......we are doing 1 and 3 Monday nights. If it is like this month and five Mondays...we take the 5th off. See you at 6pm at Cornerstone. We will be making pinwheels for a council project and practicing a flag ceremony that we will be doing in the very near future. More dates to be posted soon.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Meeting on the 25th!!!!!!!!!1

Hey girls!!!
If you guys are planning on registering for this year...please try to make it on the 25th. We need to discuss if everyone is happy with the night and time for this year and get you all registered. Hope to see you there at 6pm!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Meeting Mon 12th at Cornerstone....Mrs. Melody will be doing the meeting for all the girls this night...I will be gone with Bailey to Louisville for testing. Have fun!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring Carnival

We had a great time camping, and we missed those of you that couldn't make it. Maybe next time!!! We have all been really busy these last weeks and have earned tons of patches. We are really proud of you!!

This weekend, on Saturday morning, the Juniors of our troop are holding a Spring Carnival at the Community Center at West Riverside. This is the one near the projects near the Frank G. Clement Bridge. This is to help them with service hours for the Bronze award. We are asking that Daisys and Brownies come along to help out. They are taking care of everything, we just need to help work the games and give out food and prizes to the kids from the neighborhood that come. Feel free to bring your whole families, we will be bringing ours. They have planned games, hotdogs, popcorn and prizes.

You don't have to bring anything, just show up around 7:45am, and plan to stay as long as possible. We plan on tearing down around 11am or 12pm. Thanks and have a great week........our next meeting will be on May the 12th.

Monday, April 14, 2008

If you are signed up for camping, here is a little info...

For this trip the girls will need:
Please pack as minimal as possible! NO VALUABLES OR JEWELRY OTHER THAN EARRINGS!

$5 for canoeing

2 Changes of clothes, including pjs and a jacket and pants for nighttime
Sleeping bag and pillow {they may bring something to sleep with-stuffed animal, etc.}
Toiletries {they are welcome to bring shower items, but it is not required since it is 1 night-mostly just a brush and toothbrush}
tennis shoes or other closed toe shoes and socks
Rain gear-either a raincoat or poncho {we like the .95 ones at wallyworld}
Pack only the required items....no toys, games, ipods, cdplayers, mp3 players, etc...
Please bring booster seats if still required to ride in one.
Old magazines or newspaper. We will be making sit-apons.
Completed Health form ....we will have these at the time of departure...it only takes a minute.

If you have not yet signed up for camping and would like to go, please email me asap and I will see how many spots are available for the canoeing.
I know that we can have as many girls camp as we need, but the canoeing was reserved in advance.

See you there on Sat. 26th at 8:00am at Cornerstone!!

Julie and Melody

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on the 24th at Cornerstone. {remember to bring your $5/girl for the canoe lessons that will be held at Camp Nee Kah Nah on the 26th of April}
The sleep over will be at the annex on the 28th.
We will be:
  • Earning a badge
  • Eating supper {pizza!!!}
  • Making Sundaes
  • Doing a Craft
  • Watching Movies {and eating popcorn of course}

The next meeting after that will be the 14th of April at Cornerstone.

Our camping trip will be the 26th {sat} of April. We will meet at Cornerstone at 8am that morning.

The next meeting will be the 28th at Cornerstone.

***Make sure that you have picked up any patches/badges from me or Melody***

***Make sure that you have turned in your cookie money***

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Monday night's meeting 3/10 Cornerstone Baptist Church 6pm:
We need all money turned in that evening. If you need to know the amount you owe BEFORE THE MEETING, please call Christie on her cell at 607-2572 or email her at ckiefer2005@hotmail.com or kieferchristie@bfusa.com for amount.
If you have NOT sold all of your cookies, please call Christie to let her know what you have left and we'll try to get them sold. SUNDAY IS OUR LAST DAY FOR SALES SO WE NEED TO KNOW NOW IF THERE ARE EXTRAS THAT NEED TO BE SOLD. IF WE DON'T SELL, THE TROOP EATS THE COST.
Please see below for upcoming dates!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Great meeting last night for those of you that were there. We finished up the Guerney's Cabin patch for those of you that had went to Camp Holloway, we did the Reach for the Stars patch, and we did the Brownie Ballerina all in one night!!!
You girls are amazing.
Please let us know if you need more cookies to sell, we still have around 100 boxes.
Please see the entry below also for info on the next camping trip.
****Upcoming Dates to remember****:
March 10th- GS meeting 6pm Cornerstone
March 24th-GS meeting 6pm Cornerstone
March 28th- GS Sleepover~Cornerstone ANNEX~5:30pm
April 14th- GS meeting 6pm Cornerstone
April 26th-Camp Nee Kah Nah ~Leave Cornerstone at 8am~
April 28th- GS meeting 6pm Cornerstone
May 12th- GS meeting 6pm Cornerstone
Another Camping trip TBA in June
Do you want an automatic email everytime we make a new post??? Just go to the bottom of the posts, just above the big picture, and click on "subscribe to posts". You will be notified each time that I add something to our site!! Have a great week.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mark your Calendars!

April 26th we have reserved the lodge at Camp Nee Kah Nah in Gainsboro. We will leave that morning around 8am and head down for a day full of activities. We plan on doing some minor hiking, fishing, and canoeing. We will return on Sunday afternoon. Please email us if you are interested in going so that we can be getting a count. We have to turn in our count for canoeing as soon as possible. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

NEXT MEETING FEB 11th at Cornerstone....6pm -See you there!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cookie Orders

Don't forget that Mrs. Christie needs your cookie order by Fri at 5:00pm. Please either call her at 815-2221 or 607-2572 or email her at ckiefer2005@hotmail.com. She just needs the numbers. Thanks and see you Monday!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

NEXT MEETING IS ON January 28th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget to be getting up all your cookie orders!!! We need to sell, sell, sell so that we can go and do lots of fun stuff this spring!!!