Welcome to our new page!!
If you are one of our members, this will be a great place to find announcements and all sorts of useful information. If you are not a member, maybe you will consider joining. I will try to keep everything up to date as much as possible.So, let's get started. We have a couple of things coming up in the upcoming months. Please take note of these dates:
- April 30th {Mon.}- We will be having a meeting to prepare for the upcoming Bridging ceremonies. Please make sure that you are there so that we may know everything we need to for our ceremonies.
- May 7th {Mon.}- 6pm Our Bridging Ceremony Please let us know if there is any way that you could help us with this. {serving, cleaning, preparing, etc}
Last, but not least. If you still owe for any COOKIES, uniforms, dues, etc. Please get these caught up as soon as possible. Most everyone is, but just as a reminder. ;)
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