Saturday, January 1, 2011


Hey guys just wanted to let you know some of the up-coming dates.
Jan17-usually we have no meeting, but we really miss you guys and know that some of the girls are working on service projects, badges, etc and kind of need to meet, so we will be meeting.
This will be a good opportunity for those with cookie questions, etc. I will see if Mrs. Chrisie can be there to address any questions or concerns. I know I will be going over requirements for the Juniors Bronze awards that night with my girls so if your child is a junior and interested, please try to attend.
Jan22- Swim Party in Manchester. I need to know if you plan on coming to this. I have to turn in numbers this Thurs at my meeting with the Service Unit. Remember only registered Girl Scouts and registered adults will be admitted and no add-ons later. I must know now.The cost is going to be FREE!!!!!
Please check your email for the list of girls that I have down.
Feb7-Scout meeting 6pm @Cornerstone
Feb 21-Scout Meeting 6pm @ Cornerstone
Feb ??- Cumberland Caverns (TBA)
March7-Scout Meeting 6pm @ Cornerstone
March 21-Scout Meeting 6pm @ Cornerstone
March??- (TBA Bowling party)
April- ??? Camping Trip
May 21 from 9:30am-3pm at Camp Piedmont in Readyville, TN Do you need some community service hours? Volunteer at Camp Piedmont and help us clean trails or other camp areas that need repair. Tools and supplies will be provided. -This is a troop only event. -All participants must be registered Girl Scouts.

I am working on scheduling for the following activities right now and will let you know as soon as we get dates set in stone. Hope you all enjoyed Christmas break and see you guys soon.

Julie 205-4219